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Show Google Calendar Outlook For Mac

culgilxuadia1970 2021. 6. 10. 09:03

  1. Add Outlook Calendar To Google Calendar
  2. Show Google Calendar Outlook For Mac Free
  3. Outlook For Mac Calendar View

The above tool doesn't work if you're using a free Google account, but that doesn't mean you can't see your Google Calendar appointments in Outlook. It just means you'll need to do a little more work settings things up, and you won't be able to add or edit events to Google Calendar from inside Outlook. If I add the Google account to another mail client such as Mac Mail then the calendar is shared and synced between Google and Mail so I know that the sharing is OK from the Google end. I have tried sharing the Outlook Calendar but all the sharing options either don't do anything or are grayed out.

Outlook for Mac

  • Direct sync to Google Contacts, Calendar, Tasks
  • Outlook for Mac 2011, 2016, 2019, Microsoft Office 365
  • Works great with OS X Big Sur
  • USB and Wi-Fi sync to Android
  • DejaCloud Connection

Native Mac

  • Contacts - Mac Address Book
  • Calendar - Mac iCal
  • Tasks - Apple Reminders
  • Notes - Apple Notes
  • USB and Wi-Fi sync to Android
  • DejaCloud Connection

How our sync works

Add Outlook Calendar To Google Calendar

CompanionLink for Mac keeps Outlook for Mac contacts, calendars, tasks, and categories synchronized with either a Google account, smartphone, or tablet. You can choose your destination in the Settings menu of the software.

Outlook for Mac sync with Google

Set up two-way sync between your Google account and Outlook for Mac. Simply add your Google credentials to our CompanionLink for Mac app. Our cloud service runs in the background. Changes in Google or on your Mac will automatically sync. Here's a setup guide. Here's a video.

Outlook for Mac sync with phones and tablets

Direct sync with mobile devices bypasses cloud services like Google. Simply select the type of device you have from the Settings menu. You will be asked to download our DejaOffice mobile app to your device. DejaOffice stores Outlook data on your device. Your information is never sent to Google unless you choose to allow this by integrating with the device's built-in Contacts and Calendar apps. DejaOffice is a robust app that will hold key Outlook fields for Contacts, Calendar, Tasks, and Categories. Here is an Android setup guide. Here is an iOS setup guide.

Michael was Fantastic! love Companion Link!
on Jan 26, 2021
Michael helped me sync OUTLOOK and Google calendars and contacts perfectly. I had challenges in the past and he repaired issues and got it up and running flawlessly!
Superb support experience
on Dec 23, 2020
I just finished a support call with Michael, who provided an excellent experience for me. I am a long-time customer of CompanionLink and really value the product, but when I upgraded a couple of years ago I (foolishly) changed some settings and ended up not syncing my Contacts properly. It was quite messy because I had new contacts in several different accounts and couldn't figure out how to resolve this.
Michael patiently and skillfully walked me through all of the steps to make sure all of the new items were captured, and then clean up duplicates in Outlook, delete the old data in Android and then re-sync nice fresh and clean data. Along the way he was kind enough to teach me what I needed to know about how the software functions.
I am very grateful and now have this huge weight lifted off of my shoulders in time for the holidays!
I regularly recommend CompanionLink to friends and business associates, but until now had not had the opportunity (and pleasure) of using support help.
Thank you Michael... you rock!!
Exemplary Customer Servie
Show Google Calendar Outlook For Mac

Show Google Calendar Outlook For Mac Free

on Nov 12, 2020

Outlook For Mac Calendar View

Just worked through a session with Michael with multiple issues with syncs and duplicate entries. It's been a while since I have had someone so patient and wanting to be sure that I got the issue resolved. I had two previous calls with technicians that had not fully resolved the issue so to have this complete, I am very happy and satisfied. Thanks, Michael!